Wrong list, sure, but since you opened up the can of worms...

Is Shale really planning on getting into the HTML-rendering

-- Adam

On 8/24/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doh.  Wrong list again.

On 8/24/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it would be highly desirable to provide some sort of basic
> button functionality ("previous, next, ok and cancel").  I'm not
> saying we render buttons on the dialog for the user, but I am saying
> that most dialogs have certain things in common that we should just
> incorporate into the basic functionality.  JSF can already give you
> most of what you need for dialogs without using Shale - lets try and
> enhance things in a way that would make it worthwhile for our users.
> On my last job I used dialogs extensively, but as I think about it,
> the most important functionality was added on top of what was
> provided.  We had several dialogs that involved a series of steps.
> Some of the steps were common between multiple dialogs but we also had
> cases where the user could later revisit just a single step.
> So in some cases the "foo screen" needed a next button (when used in
> the multi step dialogs) but in other cases you just want an "ok" and
> "cancel" button (as in the single step dialog case.)  The existing
> dialog functionality was helpful because I could easily examine the
> transitions but it took a long time to work out some of the more
> complicated details.
> I was going to try and sketch out some ideas here in the email but I
> changed my mind.  I'm going to put some very rough code into the
> sandbox.  Instead of using the sandbox for a staging area for near
> complete code, we could use it to sketch out some rough ideas.  Why
> not?
> Craig and I both agree it would be nice to have this wrapped up in a
> few weeks so we can release before Apache Con.  David would probably
> also like to make sure his book isn't out of date so we'll have to
> move very quickly on this.
> Sean

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