Ok, Mike told me that I was wrong to move this discussion to pmc@ and I
should repost it at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now, I dont want to rewarm this discussion, but when I reread my own
post I think there are still valid points within.
So - here we go:

On 8/22/06, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Moved to private@ ...
> > Also not really Apache, so why just
> > discussed stuff during a beer, or more ...
> I think the problem is, that our projects are getting more and more
> complex. And its not just a "deprecate this or that component", its the
> system as whole.
> Now what we see - I cant speak for apache at all, but at least for a
> project which itself is more a umbrella than a single focused project -
> is, that people tend to concentrate on their work only.
> As a developer in a mid range company like me I'd say this is perfectly
> reasonable, we have so much work to do outside of apache that it is hard
> to keep up to date with the project. Often more than not I have to spend
> my after work time to do some apache work, enhancements of fixing bugs.
> I do not think that adding our names to the wiki page will increase the
> number of private mails, but it will help us to be up to date with the
> interests of a developer. Something we have in jakarta commons
> (http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/CommonsPeople), there we are
> also "responsible for the commons code", but it is also clear that e.g.
> I am not the best commons-math developer due to the lack of knowledge in
> this area.
> That way we can react early if a component get dormant.
If ComponentMaintainer sounds too harsh we could find another name for
sure, maybe DeveloperInterests and have the same wordings like on the
commons page.

> As I see currently, tomahawk is more a umbrella for different kind of
> things than a component library only. Maybe splitting this project might
> help so that we can decrease the scope of responsibility (SoR ;-) ) for
> every single developer. Where and what to split can be discussed later.
> Also I do not like the wording "responsibility". Responsible against
> whom, the other developers, the users, ....
> Well, I take my responsibility seriously, but I don't wanted to be
> forced to be responsible for anything - especially not for the whole
> project.
> Thats why I think a ComponentMaintainers page fits well. There we can
> express what responsibility we would like to have currently.
> But notice, I just mean the responsibility to fix bugs in a specific
> area.
> As a committer especially if you are on the pmc you are still
> responsible for the way the project should go. This kind of
> responsibility is often just participating in discussions or +1/-1 to a
> vote. It's not that much work than setup a test environment, dig into
> the code and fix a bug.
> For example: If there are some problems during the release process, the
> release manager still should post to the dev mailing list, but maybe
> then with "Hey Mario! In your ConversationTag ... bla bla bla". If I do
> not answer within two or three (e.g. due to vacation) days its still
> enough room for others to jump in and fix the problem. But ... If you
> look at the release process in the past you'll see that the number of
> developers helping out in such situations do not nearly match with the
> number of committers we have.
> Another example: Fixing stuff in the "view serialization stuff" is hard.
> This code is not that easy to read and follow. (This is no valuation of
> the code itself) Now, if we see there is no maintainer for this piece of
> code (no name in ComponentMaintainer) we have to find another one. This
> can be done by posting to the dev list "volunteer needed for ....".
> Hopefully another committer will jump up.
> It is more than demotivating if you have problems (e.g. again during the
> release process) and you try to find a developer to fix something but
> none is responding.
> Just an idea, maybe unconventional, but hey ...
> Said that, I do not consist on the existence of this wiki page. I just
> thought it will be helpful for us, but if you don't like it, lets remove
> the names :-)
Ok, this already happened ;-)
> Ciao,
> Mario

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