On 8/25/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd be thrilled to have every commit reference a JIRA issue, but
that's probably too much to ask all at once.  For now I'll be happy
with seeing more of them, and maybe we can move closer to 'all' at
some point in the future.

I am also strongly in favor of having every change accompanied by a
JIRA issue.   Eventually we're going to have to do this to have
professional change logs and release notes.

In addition to JIRA issues, we still need descriptive commit messages.
 More than "Fixes MYFACES-123 Thanks Bob!" for example. ;)

For my commit messages, I typically use

Fix for MyFaces-XYZ -- [subject of the Jira issue]

This gives an easy way to know what was being fixed without having to
pull up the issue tracker.    Also, if somehow I mistyped the jira
identifier, it'd still be clear what was really being fixed.

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