Hi Mario
I think this sound pretty much like rubby on rails
I don't know about other developers
but I think some people like this kind of components for making rapid web site
some people hate these kind of components because the code is doings lots of thing implicitly and the code is not showing those behaviour.
lets see what Myfaces gods think about this.

On 10/11/06, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As some of you might know I've developed Faces Freeway [1].
Well, I don't want to say that this project failed, but - beside - its
hard to maintain a documentation, it is also hard to provide a nice
looking, always working fully fledged simple way to the persistence
framework e.g. hibernate.

BUT, there is one thing I'd like to donate to MyFaces.
The GUI Builder.

The GUI Builder is responsible to instrument another component to view
selected properties out of an annotated Bean (EJB3).

I'd like to let speak code (piece of  [2]):

<ff:form var="blog" uri="ejb: blog.Blog">
    <h:panelGrid id="blog-layout" columns="2" />

The above simply does the following:
* Lookup a bean by its FQN (=blog.Blog)
* Lookup a child component whose id is blog-layout (That is by
convention. The form's var is "blog", so the target component has to be
* invoke the GUI Builder to dynamically add the bean's properties to the
grid (in this case)

At the end, the you'll see a page as if you have written many
outputLabel and input* components.

The same goes for a table (piece of [3]):

<ff:form var="city" uri="ejb:blog.City">
    <h:dataTable id="city-layout" var="entity" value="#{ city.fc.entities}" rowClasses="tr1,tr2">
        <h:column id="data" rendered="false" />

The same as above, just creates a table header and its columns. The
id="data" column is optional, but allows you to have pre and post columns.

Ok, I hope I made it clear what it do and how it works. Again - I'd
remove any requirement to a persistence framework. It should just do the
dynamic stuff.

The proposed name could be: dynaBean :-) (instead of ff:form)

One possibility I still have on my todo list is to allow the user to
select the properties which should be shown.
This makes sense if you have beans with many properties, but only a
handful of properties are relevant to your customer. Then you can
customize them easily. Maybe also adding "user defined properties" which
are computed at runtime (maybe using BSF) are possible (not yet, but
thats the masterplan)
A factory the user has to provide is responsible to store all this
customization stuff.

Due to its nature this component relies on annotations, well, can work
without, but its more fun. So it has to go to sandbox15 (is it
functional already?)

What do you think?


[1] http://facesfreeway.l3x.net/
[2] http://l3x.net/svn/facesfreeway/trunk/examples/src/main/webapp/Blog.jsp

Arash Rajaeeyan

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