
I noticed that there is no tag for 1.1.5 yet in



-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Manfred Geiler
Verzonden: maandag 19 februari 2007 12:51
Aan: announce@apache.org; announce@myfaces.apache.org
CC: MyFaces Development; MyFaces Discussion
Onderwerp: [ANNOUNCE] MyFaces Core v1.1.5 Release

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Core 1.1.5.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 1.1 implementation as specified
by JSR-127.  MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-127 TCK and is 100%
compliant with the JSR-127 specification.

MyFaces Core 1.1.5 is available in both binary and source distributions.

    * http://myfaces.apache.org/download.html

MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 1.1.5
 ** Fixed Bugs
    * [MYFACES-437] - <f:attribute> does not work  with  <x:dataTable>
    * [MYFACES-660] - (Patch provided) "request scoping" from Portlet
Action- to RenderRequest should not occur via Attribute Request Map
    * [MYFACES-689] - PropertyResolverImpl.getType(Object base, int
index) return null if base instanceof Object[]
    * [MYFACES-731] - selectManyListbox calls converter getAsString
passing in string value during form post
    * [MYFACES-828] - HtmlCheckboxRenderer ignores readonly
    * [MYFACES-968] - LifecycleImpl's restoreView throws NPE when viewId
is null in a portlet context
    * [MYFACES-1025] - panelGrid does always render a border-attribute
    * [MYFACES-1029] - Duplicate sibling ids allowed
    * [MYFACES-1304] - DigesterFacesConfigDispenserImpl shuld respect
order of registered renderkits
    * [MYFACES-1328] - UISelectOne and UISelectMany fail with custom
converter that returns java.lang.String from getAsObject() method.
    * [MYFACES-1368] - Fix case sensitivity for context params
    * [MYFACES-1384] - After switch from myfaces-impl-1.1.3 (release) to
myfaces-1.1.5-SNAPSHOT, javascript throw error 'Object expected'
    * [MYFACES-1386] - PropertyResolverImpl.setProperty lacks usefull
error mesage if write method not found
    * [MYFACES-1393] - MyFaces state information is rendered by MyFaces
    * [MYFACES-1397] - getValidJavascriptNameAsInRI throws
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference
    * [MYFACES-1406] - Core and Shared project has dependency on
myfaces:myfaces-api version 1.1.1
    * [MYFACES-1407] - JS oamSubmitForm() params order incorrect
    * [MYFACES-1410] - CLONE -PropertyResolverImpl.getType(Object
base, int index) return null if base instanceof Object[]
    * [MYFACES-1412] - Restore view phase does not conforms
    * [MYFACES-1413] - JS error in function oamSubmitForm(...)
    * [MYFACES-1415] - WebXmlParser needs to be aware of changes in
web.xml in version 2.4 of the Servlet spec
    * [MYFACES-1420] - Null Pointer Exception in
SelectItemsIterator.next() if binding is null
    * [MYFACES-1421] - MyFaces not working with Struts Faces Form
    * [MYFACES-1425] - wrong text for link in getting started
    * [MYFACES-1427] - Error restoring view
    * [MYFACES-1428] - Application cannot be started with Snapshot 1.1.5
of 27th Sept./1st Oct.
    * [MYFACES-1430] - selectOneMenu looses values after clicking
immediate link (since 1.1.4)
    * [MYFACES-1479] - SerialFactory breaks Portlet bridge
    * [MYFACES-1481] - MyFacesGenericPortlet does not work in a cluster
    * [MYFACES-1486] - Error Handling in Property-Resolver-Impl
    * [MYFACES-1489] - ExternalContext Maps
    * [MYFACES-1490] - DateTimeConverter exception on parsing time
    * [MYFACES-1495] - client side state saving bug
    * [MYFACES-1500] - Default values in standard-faces-config.xml
    * [MYFACES-1510] - h:form does not render accept-charset
 ** Improvements
    * [MYFACES-652] - Findbugs ant-tasks
    * [MYFACES-1032] - use a javascript method in commondLink for lesser
html size
    * [MYFACES-1366] - Error in javascript function
    * [MYFACES-1373] - Add exception to logger for output exception
stack trace
    * [MYFACES-1385] - Remove all of the unused code, variables, and
import statements identified by Eclipse 3.1.2
    * [MYFACES-1405] - Interoperability with Facelets
    * [MYFACES-1411] - Lifecycle phase executions repetitions
    * [MYFACES-1418] - javax.faces.validator - DoubleRangeValidator,
LengthValidator, LongRangeValidator are very similar, refactor common
    * [MYFACES-1419] - javax.faces.convert - refactor common behaviour
+ DateTimeConverter changes
    * [MYFACES-1422] - findNestingForm() tests only against component
family and against instanceof UIForm
    * [MYFACES-1423] - Log jar-files on startup
    * [MYFACES-1469] - State-saving now uses the parameter
javax.faces.ViewState - as proposed by the 1.2 spec
    * [MYFACES-1488] - ASF Source Header and Copyright Notice Policy
 ** Completed Tasks
    * [MYFACES-1361] - The listing in Apache's project catalog is out of
date and need to be updated.
 ** Satisfied Wishes
    * [MYFACES-1360] - HtmlMessagesRendererBase - change two method
modifiers to protected


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