
I've started the documentation by creating two xdoc files in
myfaces/fusion/core/src/site, now when I run "mvn site" from within
myfaces/fusion it creates a site, but only a handful of pages in
core/target/site and they do not use our stylesheet.


*) Shall I put the documentation into the module directory, or is it
fine if I put them directly into fusion? For me its sufficient to have
only one place for the documentation for the core and core15 modules.
*) Anyway, what can be wrong with the site generation in fusion/core ?
*) At last maven fail with
[INFO] Generate "Checkstyle" report.
[INFO] Error during page generation

Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report: Unable to find
configuration file location.
Unable to find location 'config/myfaces-checks.xml' as URL, File or

Again, I do not know what can be wrong here.

Could one please volunteer help fixing the maven stuff to build a nice
site so we can start deploy it to the public?


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