Hi Craig!
> That's where I don't understand Fusion enough to comment ... it
> originally appeared to me that the key value add was allocating the
> entity manager on the way in (when you created the conversation), and
> cleaning up afterwards when the conversation ended.
Yes, this is one of the things we do, the other thing is, that we have
to ensure for each call into the conversation scoped bean that this
entity manager has been set to the thread so that the following classes
will see this entity manager.
This is where the Spring aop stuff provides REALLY nice things.

That way, its possible to work with multiple conversations within one
request; not that you can exchange the beans load by each other.

You say, this should be solved at the servlet spec. And I think with our
solution we are really close to it.
The basic conversation scope works as if it is provided by the servlet
spec. You have an additional scope and finding the scope context (multi
window awareness) works through an url parameter which will be added by
an servlet response wrapper (just like the session id without cookies).
Thats why we are not bound to JSF in this area, there is simply no JSF
code to achieve this.

All I need is access to e.g the request map and session map, that has
been refactored into a framework adapter, and if I would like to spend a
servlet filter I can avoid even this.


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