I've noticed an odd feature of the myfaces snapshot artifacts when used in the geronimo build, namely that you have to do an online build every 24 hours even though the myfaces snapshots haven't changed. I've found this extremely inconvenient.... for instance if I forget to do an online build before jumping on an airplane I can't work on geronimo until I land.

I looked in my local maven repo to see if I could understand why this might be happening and noticed that there are only -SNAPSHOT myfaces artifacts, but no timestamped artifacts. For all the other (numerous :-( ) snapshot dependencies geronimo uses there are timestamped artifacts. IIUC running mvn clean deploy results in timestamped artifacts in the remote maven repo. This leads me to wonder how the myfaces snapshots are being deployed and if not with mvn deploy if there is a reason for it.

david jencks

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