On May 15, 2007, at 8:36 AM, Grant Smith wrote:

I'm +1 for the new list. For those of you who use the continuum success notifications as a validation that your commits didn't break anything, shame on you! :) You should DEFINITELY compile locally before committing your code, and not rely on continuum.

Sure, everyone should compile before committing, but I think you are being unrealistic :-) While I don't work much on myfaces, on the projects I do work on consistently I often have several modifications going at once and commit stuff related to only one of them at a time. Having an automated build system is a lot more reliable to catch problems than waiting for people to complain on the mailing list or trying to remember to check out the changes into another copy of the project and build it there.

david jencks

On 5/15/07, Bruno Aranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I can moderate it too if needed. Thanks Wendy,


On 15/05/07, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/15/07, Manfred Geiler < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > currently there are 91 subscribers to the commits list (4 of them with
> > digest option).
> > don't know if there is a way to do a mass subscribe.
> There is.  I'll request that infrastructure seed the notifications
> list with the current list of subscribers to the commits list.
> Existing subscribers will notice a change in the 'to' address and may
> need to adjust mail filters.
> I'll moderate it, and need one more volunteer.  No one except
> Continuum should be writing to it directly, so moderation messages can
> largely be ignored.  The reply-to on both the commits and
> notifications lists should be set to the dev list.
> --
> Wendy

Grant Smith

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