On May 21, 2007, at 4:56 AM, Bruno Aranda wrote:

Hi, I haven't tried directly since a while as I am always using jetty,
but what is the exception you get?

The TCK was run in geronimo with tomcat, so in theory everything
should work correctly,

The annotation handling in geronimo's tomcat is different from that in standalone tomcat (we have a private build of slightly modified tomcat, we're waiting for some patches to be applied in the new trunk) and how the annotations are supplied to myfaces is different in standalone myfaces and in geronimo-myfaces. That might possibly explain the differences.

david jencks



On 21/05/07, Martin Haimberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi *,

anyone running Tomahawk with MyFaces 12 and Tomcat 6 successfully?
I have created the intellij project with the -Djsf=12 parameter, which
is working fine for the creation, but no luck for running the whole

As Bruno has written, the jetty plugin works fine and starts.

Anyone experiences with this?

Martin Haimberger

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