We have a web project developed using JSF 1.1 and the first version of
Oracle ADF since 2005. We are working on a migration process to a new
version of a JSF framework, and we already started replacing some ADF
components by some My Faces ones (use tomahawk datatable instead of ADF
table). As Trinidad (ADF successor) is evolving, we are wondering if a
migration from ADF to Trinidad is the right choice. To better take a
decision, I have some questions:

On [1] there is a wiki page, that helps you, when doing the migration.

-          Does Trinidad make performance improvements especially for table
and dialogs (loads the parent page prior to showing the dialog)?

-          Can we mix Trinidad components with Tomahawk and Sandbox
components to have some Ajax functions (suggest input, update of tables,
dojo integration)

The latest versions of Tomahawk are ready to go, with Trinidad. I am
not sure on how easy it is to integrate the mentioned Sandbox
components. Perhaps you can play around with these components.

-          When the first release of Trinidad is planned?

there was one already, during the Incubation. However, we are
currently doing the needed procedures for a next release (1.0.1).

Be sure, there will be an announcement soon.

Thanks a lot !


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/from_ADF_to_Trinidad

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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