Hi Martin,

Yes this was an old issue related to tree traversing and uidata stuff. I
remember we've discussed this at past.

I was only traversing the tree because client validation is in sandbox and I
was planning to remove the tree traversing and move that stuff to renderers
once it's out of the sandbox.

I think I can remove the tree traversing in sandbox too by extended the
tomahawk input renderers now in sandbox too, this would work. Or disable
traversing in case the component is type of uidata.

I'm on it, thanks for the heads up!


On 6/18/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>         public static void queueCVCalls(UIComponent root) {
>         /*      if( root.getChildCount() > 0 ) {
>                         for( int i = 0; i< root.getChildCount() ; i++ )
>                                 queueCVCalls( (UIComponent)
root.getChildren().get( i ) );
>                 } else {
>                         if( root instanceof UIInput ) {
>                                 UIInput input = (UIInput) root;


>                                 addCVCall( createCVCall( input ) );
>                         }
>                 } */
>         }
> --
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Matthias Wessendorf

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