> Class Conversation uses a thread-local variable to store the "current
> conversation". Thread-locals are pretty tricky to manage in a container
> environment; they need to be cleared at the end of each request as the
> same thread will be reused by the container.
> Would storing this value in request scope be acceptable instead?
No, this is not possible.

For each bean requested from the conversation scope a new conversation
will be started. You can put multiple beans into the same conversation
by adding the orchestra:conversationName="" attribute to the spring bean
This means you can have multiple conversations in parallel.
To make things a little bit more complicated, you can have the same
conversations per conversationContext.
This makes it possible to have multiple windows.
The scope hierarchy is:
starting with session they are 1:n.

The conversation object is like the http session just a container for
the conversation scoped beans.
Now, to get access to this scope we have the
Conversation.getCurrentInstance() which works only from within a
conversation scoped bean.
This method returns the "conversation container" the current bean lives in.

To make this work, we use Spring AOP (see
this advice triggers for every method (public methods) call to the
conversation scoped bean - in other words: It is a proxy which
transparently wraps your bean and just maintains the thread-local.
(Have a look at SpringConversationScope.getBean:137 to see what happens
when a new bean is going to be created)

As you can see, in the finally block we set it to the previous value -
which is null for the topmost call.

What we might do is to use reflection to see if there is a
ThreadLocal.remove() method and call this in
Conversation.setCurrentInstance() in case of conversation==null. If this
is required.


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