I'd prefer methodActionListener.

-- Adam

On 8/31/07, Simon Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Browsing forums lately, I found quite some posts asking how to set more than
> one ActionListener bound to a managed bean. I also had that issue in all my
> projects so I had long developed my own actionListener tag using a method
> attribute. With JSF 1.2 MethodExpressionActionListener class was added to
> the spec (mainly for backward compatibility issue with the setActionListener
> method found on ActionSource), but no tag was added. So I was wondering if
> anyone would be against adding such a tag to Trinidad and if so what name
> should it use. I prefer methodExpressionActionListener as it's closer to the
> class it's going to use with JSF 1.2, but that does not make much sense for
> JSF 1.1 users and I don't think the name should change between both
> versions.
> Any opinion?
> ~ Simon

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