On 9/21/07, Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Adam Winer wrote:
>  On 9/21/07, Simon Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello Jeanne,
> I could live with that as long as the XSD should prevents the usage of both
> a bundle and a map at the same time. However, I would prefer a
> "resource-bundle" element than a "translation-map". For one, it's much
> easier to create a ResourceBundle from a Map than the other way around.
>  It's easy enough to do either, but its not really a ResourceBundle instance
> unless you can get it via ResourceBundle.getBundle().
> IMO, the real point here is just saying "let's get it from EL, instead of
> loading a ResourceBundle ourselves, so it can be anything, ResourceBundle,
> Map, we don't care". So name the element <translation-source> perhaps?
>  Are you saying my ValueExpression should be an Object type instead of a Map
> type, and then for now I can
>  accept Maps, but then as another enhancement I could accept
> ResourceBundles?
>  It seems that it can't be "anything," because I need to know what I am
> getting.

No, you actually can get anything.  Just use ELResolver.getValue()
to resolve the property.  That way, you have support for both
ResourceBundles and Maps with one element.

-- Adam

>  -- Adam
>  Also, that would be more aligned with JSF 1.2 since its include a way to
> define resource-bundle with a var name within the faces-config.xml.
> ~ Simon
> On 9/21/07, Jeanne Waldman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I have a new issue I need to resolve and I wanted to run by my solution --
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-728
> "support for el to be used in a skin to bind to other translation data
>  sources"
>  Currently, a SkinExtension and SkinAddition can have resource bundles
>  associated with them so that a person can "skin" text.
>  We have customers who want to use a Map that is EL-accessible instead of a
>  ResourceBundle.
>  I'd like to add a 'translation-map' element to the <skin> and
>  <skin-addition> elements in trinidad-skins.xml.
>  I'd add new constructors to SkinExtension and SkinAddition to accept a
>  translationMap ValueExpression.
>  Let me know what you think and if you think 'translation-map' is a good
>  name for the new element.
>  See below for an example.
> Thanks,
> Jeanne
> from trinidad-skins.xml:
>  <skin>
>  <id>
>  purple.desktop
>  </id>
>  <family>
>  purple
>  </family>
>  <render-kit-id>
>  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.desktop
>  </render-kit-id>
>  <style-sheet-name>
>  skins/purple/purpleSkin.css
>  </style-sheet-name>
>  <bundle-name>
>  org.apache.myfaces.trinidaddemo.resource.SkinBundle
>  </bundle-name>
>  </skin>
>  <!-- You can extend any skin you want. Here we want the purple
>  skin, but with a bigger font size -->
>  <skin>
>  <id>
>  purpleBigFont.desktop
>  </id>
>  <family>
>  purpleBigFont
>  </family>
>  <extends>
>  purple.desktop
>  </extends>
>  <render-kit-id>
>  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.desktop
>  </render-kit-id>
>  <style-sheet-name>
>  skins/purple/purpleBigFontSkin.css
>  </style-sheet-name>
>  <translation-map>#{skinTranslationMap.contents}</translation-map>
>  </skin>

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