Hey, Stephen, a couple of comments:
- The patch for 755 includes a lot of changes that aren't specific to
  your work (removing unnecessary imports, whitespace adjustments, etc.)
  If you want to create separate, minor issues of "Unnecessary imports",
  and attach a separate patch there, that's cool.
- It's really good to have some discussions over the APIs, instead of
  asking for patches to be checked in as is.
- Looking at the patch, it seems as though you're using properties
  including "af|outputLabel";  yet the skin selector doc just referred to
  -tr-required-icon-position.  I think this is a skinning property that is
  not at all specific to outputLabel, so the doc is right, the code wrong.

-- Adam

> What is the best way to contribute to Trinidad?
> I went ahead and supplied two patches for issues I was having with missing 
> skinning features: TRINIDAD-755, TRINIDAD-745
> Right now, I am missing another feature (putting labels _above_ fields).
> I am a little hesitant to supply yet another patch while I haven't heard 
> anything on my older patches.
> Can a committer please have a look at my previous patches and comment on 
> them? I am willing to put some more work into them if you see any flaws, but 
> it would be great if in the end the features would make it into the code base.
> Thanks a lot!

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