ok - then please suggest one. This is all about finding a clean way,
and we are at this point as we haven't found another clean way to do
it so far.
I had a quick chat about this topic with Matthias and I think now I understood a little bit better what the thought how to work with the generator stuff.

The idea is (as everyone migh know) to generate the config files/taglibs and (the discussed) component. Matthias said, that one normally does NOT have to change this class as the real work has to be done in the renderer. I am not fully convinced about that, but have to admit that I am not a full-blown-component developer - just some small pieces now and then.

I told him that I think the component logic should live within the component - where he didnt disagree, but also pointed me to the fact that one can always have a abstract base renderer where the common code might live. I think that this not fully in sync with the component idea, but might work.

In the end, it seems as if you could create 95% of all components without having to touch the generated class - as long as you just work with the renderer classes.
Which means, no need for generating an abstract basis class.

I am not sure if I like this "standard", but wanted to write this as I think it helps to understand what the idea was/is behind all this.

Sorry Matthias if I made some mistake in the summarize and probably misinterpreted one detail or another. But I think overall it is correct.


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