> In my app, there is an
> org.springframework.orm.jpa.support.OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter that
> binds an entityManager to each request.
> With Orchestra do I really have to remove this filter?
No. Orchestra does not help with request scoped beans. Mixing OEMIVF
with Orchestra should work I think.

> For example I have a backing bean with request scope that lists
> entities, removing this filter adding orchestra, it starts failing.
Another solution might be to put your request scoped bean into a flash
scope, though, you have to be aware that then it might be possible to
not see fresh data from the database as the ORM PersistenceContext
caches the data. If you change data this is something you would like to
have to utilize optimistic locking. If it is just to output data you
then have to clear() the persistence context before fetching new data.

Probably we should add an Orchestra managed request scope too ....


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