
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal(a):
Sochor Zdeněk schrieb:

Mario Ivankovits napsal(a):
... with "serialize in state" disabled.

I've create a small test case which shows that the attributes map is
just copied over into the state. Which means that each and every
Component shares exactly the same map. Any change to this map will be
reflected in ALL saved states.

It's because the "wrong" constructor in api's _ComponentAttributesMap
class, it's assigning the map directly:

1.1 trunk:

_ComponentAttributesMap(UIComponent component, Map attributes)
       _component = component;
       _attributes = attributes;

should be
_ComponentAttributesMap(UIComponent component, Map attributes)
       _component = component;
       _attributes = new HashMap();

the same in 1.2 trunk:

_ComponentAttributesMap(UIComponent component, Map<Object, Object>
       _component = component;
       _attributes = attributes;

should be:

_ComponentAttributesMap(UIComponent component, Map<Object, Object>
       _component = component;
    _attributes = new HashMap<Object, Object>();

But as Mario says..
Correct would be to clone the map, but this must not work, at least a
shallow copy of the map should be saved (when "serialize in
state=false") to avoid this problem.

Your solution fixes one more level, but not every possibility. It's
certainly better, but not complete.

If the attributes map has a mutable object in it (eg a StringBuffer, or
something more complex) then the problem remains; a change to the object
state via one UIViewRoot will cause it to change in the other.

I'm aware of it (but i didn't state that possibility). I was thinking about user's view - they don't use serializable classes by default :(

Using java.io.serialize stuff forces a real "deep" clone which solves
this issue. But it does then require that every object put into a
component's attributes is serializable.


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