Plus, for containers like Orchestra which are not necessarily tied to a specific bridge implementation, it would allow them to work in environments with older bridges.


Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Mike... True, although I did some timing and instanceof's (at least in JDK 1.5) seemed to be on order of magnitudes faster then pulling a request attribute off of the attribute map. At least on the server I was testing. Secondly, Configurators sometimes run prior to the bridge for servlets and, quite probably, JSR-286. Therefore, while the attribute would eliminate most of the issues to an application developer, I'm not sure in the configurator case that it would work in all cases. I thought it prudent to include a utility that would work in all cases where configurators might be involved.


Michael Freedman wrote:
FYI ... the JSR 301 -- bridge allows such subsystems to avoid this issue because it sets a request attribute one can check to determine if you are running in a portlet environment. The subsystem can check whether this attribute is set/exists using the ExternalContext prior to making any references to a portlet class. So with the standardization of the bridge -- hopefully this problem is "solved".

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Well, they are and they aren't related. In Trinidad the ExternalContextUtils were developed as part of the configurator system. Just turns out that once we had the utility, it had other uses outside of the configurator framework. Current (with the externalContextUtils *IN* the configurator package, I'm also able to take advantage of caching the request type which makes things a bit faster. Let me play around with it an see if I can *unmarry* the two libraries with a minimum of duplicated code.


Ernst Fastl wrote:

duplicating code even if just a bare minimum doesn't sound good to me. Even if option 2 means that 2 jars need to be copied for the configurator subsystem
I think they still belong there. Although probably not very
problematic it would seem
strange to me if components which are not directly related to the
configurator sub-system
would require myfaces-commons-configurator instead of myfaces-commons-utils.

So my +1 goes to option 2.



On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Okay Okay already.. :)  I'll work on getting these in the commons
 somewhere.   The code for the configurators (and my nifty new, much
 nicer externalContextUtils) is done but I've been wishy washy about
where things should go so I haven't created the poms yet. Maybe I can
 work on that a bit this weekend.

That said, I suppose I could ask the group for their preference. The ExternalContextUtils is, undoubtedly, a very handy stand-alone piece of code. Seems you guys really want to use it :).. Where is really shines
 though (and I suspect most usecases which need this logic would
 eventually implement this) is when used with configurators.  The
 configurator system I've created will go into it's own module in the
commons package. Configurators can be used by simply dropping the jar into your classpath, but if the ExternalContextUtils was put into the commons-utils package (rather then the configurators), then you would need to drop in both. So I guess here is my question for the community and perhaps it will keep me from being wishy washy and actually get this
 code checked in...

 1. Keep the ExternalContextUtils in the myfaces-commons-configurator
jar. Dropping this jar in your classpath gives you access to both the ExternalContextUtils as well as the configurator sub-system if you want
 to use it.

2. Put ExternalContextUtils in the myfaces-commons-util jar, thus making it so that the configurator sub-system requires both jars to be copied
 into your classpath in order to enable configurators.

 3. Put ExternalContextUtils in the myfaces-commons-util jar and
 duplicate the bare minimum amount of code needed to support the
configurators into the configurators package. This way a project can
 drop in the configurator package if they want configurators, and the
 util package if they want ExternalContextUtils and both jars will
 operate independently of one another.

IMO option 3 seemed kind of cool to start off with, but I was doing some experimenting with the configurators and found option 1 was much cleaner on some of the new API's I've been adding. In other words, one of the
 things I did to make configurators run more efficiently is to take
advantage of an enumeration provided by the ExternalContextUtils within the configurator API. In order to use these enhancements as written, 1
 or 2 might be the best.

 Any preferences?


 a clem wrote:
> yep, it seems that ExternalContextUtils is already the abstraction on
 > top of servlet and portlet apis i'm talking about. ;)
> And it is using reflection to dispatch the call either to portlet or > servlet api. Using reflection means that ExternalContextUtils has only > an 'implicit' dependency on both apis meaning that type checking is > delayed to runtime (like dynamic languages do). Going further, with
 > this mechanism we could removed explicit dependency (compile time
 > checked) on servlet api too!! ;)
 > So sorry for my misunderstanding and Good idea Scott!! ;)
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:53 AM, a clem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Ernst Fastl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >>  > +1 for ExternalContextUtils
 >>  >  Good idea Scott
 >>  >
>> > In this case I wait for those utils before doing the changes in the
 >>  >  PPRPhaseListener
 >>  >
 >>  >  greez
 >>  >
 >>  >  E
 >>  >
 >>  >
 >>  >
>> > On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> > > Take a look at Trinidad's ExternalContextUtils class. It uses >> > > reflection. I'm also going to try to get something like this in the >> > > myfaces commons, probably in the configurator package if I end up
 >>  >  >  submitting my current code.
 >>  >  >
>> > > If you don't have time to find the ExternalContextUtils on your own,
 >>  >  >  I'll try to post some source tomorrow.
 >>  >  >
 >>  >  >  Scott
 >>  >  >
 >>  >  >
 >>  >  >
 >>  >  >  Leonardo Uribe wrote:
 >>  >  >  > Hi
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >  > I have seen lines like this on the attached files:
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >  >         //Don't do the rendering twice
 >>  >  >  >         if (request instanceof PortletRequest &&
>> > > > ((PortletRequest)request).getAttribute(PPR_DONE_ATTR) != null) {
 >>  >  >  >             return;
 >>  >  >  >         }
 >>  >  >  >
>> > > > The problem here is that doing this makes that tomahawk requires
 >>  >  >  > portlet api to work, in non portlet environments.
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >  > The same problem is present on MYFACES-434 patch.
 >>  >  >  >
>> > > > Can anyone suggest a way to avoid this dependency? or we should put
 >>  >  >  > portlet api as compile dependency for tomahawk?
>> I don't think this is a problem to have a dependancy on a standard API
 >>  since this an API (not an implementation) and a standard one.
 >>  This is known as the pattern 'dependency inversion'.
>> One alternative could be to develop a abstraction layer on top of the
 >>  standard servlet and portlet apis (to hide them).
 >>  regards
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >  > regards
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >  > Leonardo Uribe
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >  >
 >>  >  >
 >>  >  >
 >>  >

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