
Grant Smith escreveu:

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Hazem Saleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Jihoon Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since I wanted to have a clear understanding of community's viewpoint
of whether the contribution should be part of MyFaces subproject, I am
starting this vote.

The contribution details are noted within the following JIRA link =>


In a nutshell, it is to give users capability in creating Adobe Flex
components as MyFaces JSF components. So users would create the
components as normal JSF components and the contribution will create
the necessary SWF files and etcetera and link the values of the
components back to the managed beans using JSON+_javascript_ and

In the above discussion "Adobe Flex components as MyFaces JSF
components", one note that was raised is that Adobe Flash Player is
proprietary while Adobe Flex has been open sourced.

Personally, since I did see an another project within Apache that did
create Adobe PDF and since Adobe Flash Player is ubiquitous; I guess I
underplayed the fact that Adobe Flash Player is proprietary.

Anyway, thanks to everyone and I will wait to hear the consensus
regarding this contribution!!!


Ji Hoon Kim

Hazem Ahmed Saleh Ahmed

Grant Smith

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