On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 18:44 -0500, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>         +1, but I also agree that it should be put into commons rather
>         than
>         Tomahawk if there's no limiting factor.
> There is one dependency to:
> org.apache.myfaces.shared_tomahawk.renderkit.RendererUtils
> Gerhard told me once that some parts of shared should be part of
> commons utils, doing an api and hide the impl copying shared classes
> using myfaces-builder-plugin:unpack goal.
> Another question is where to put it on commons, because there is no
> myfaces-commons-components module.
> For now, we have to upgrade it to tomahawk, since the previous ideas
> need a lot of discussion.

What a weird component. I cannot imagine where it would be useful.
Andrew, can you give an example of when it could be used? And even
better, add that as documentation on the component..

I don't remember seeing a vote for promoting this component myself, and
would be -0.2 on promoting it; I just can't imagine where it is useful.
But if a promotion vote has already passed with 3 +1s then OK.

By the way, the code used from RenderUtils is not much; just the
renderChild method (which needs the renderChildren method). It's about
15 lines in total. But I also agree with Leonardo that there is a lot of
work to be done in setting up a "commons components" module and now is
not a good time to look into that. So if people really are using this in
production then promoting to tomahawk is ok by me (as in no objection,
but not +1).


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