I am using 


Tomcat 6.0.16 

Fedora Linux Server

java 1.6.0_02


In my index.jsp file


<h:inputText id="fromTime"


<f:convertDateTime type="time"

timeZone="GMT+8" pattern="HH:mm"/>



In p100.jsp





  pattern="dd MMM
yyyy HH:mm:ss"/>



In Handler.java


private java.util.Date alphaDate;


  public void
setAlphaDate(java.util.Date alphaDate)


log.info("inside setAlphaDate");

log.info("alphaDate = " + alphaDate);

    this.alphaDate =


java.util.Date getAlphaDate()

  { return alphaDate;



In short, I input the time in the first screen (index.jsp)
and displayed the data again in (p100.jsp).

It is working fine.

If I input 01:00 it will display

01 Jan 1970 01:00


However, when I viewed the log file in order to debug the values, I found that 
the value is differ by 30 minutes.


Jul 23, 2008 3:09:36 PM s559.Handler setAlphaDate

INFO: alphaDate = Thu Jan 01 04:30:00 SGT 1970


If my program is directly using the data entered in the
first screen, it is working fine. But in my program I need to manipulate the 
data and when I displayed the data again, it is different by 30 minutes.


Is it a bug?


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