+1 for Leonardo solution. I really cannot find another way to accomplish
this as well.

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:19 AM, Leonardo Uribe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Leonardo Uribe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
>>>  Simon,
>>>> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Just a reminder of the email I posted a few weeks ago: I'm still very
>>>>> concerned about the recent ExtensionsFilter refactoring.
>>>>> The new code now parses the web.xml to extract some configuration
>>>>> information. This just feels wrong to me.
>>>>> The new code also is based around a custom FacesContext wrapper. I'm
>>>>> worried
>>>>> about possible interactions between this and other libraries that also
>>>>> wrap
>>>>> FacesContext. And I'm worried about the portability of this code to the
>>>>> upcoming JSF2.0.
>>>>> I know this stuff is needed to get tomahawk useable for portlets. But
>>>>> it's
>>>>> very important not to break existing users.
>>>>> What I would like to see is:
>>>>> * separate out the resource-serving stuff into a separate utilities
>>>>> module,
>>>>> that can be called from either a filter or a FacesContext.
>>>>>  And call the common code from both ExtensionsFilter and
>>>>> TomahawkFacesContextWrapper.
>>>>> * have the TomahawkFacesContextFactory create a FacesContext wrapper
>>>>> only in
>>>>> the case where the filter is not configured, ie
>>>>>  look in the request-scope for a flag placed there by the filter. That
>>>>> means
>>>>> there is no chance of breaking existing setups where
>>>>>  the filter is defined explicitly.
>>>>> * ideally, also have some way of turning off the faces-context wrapping
>>>>> even
>>>>> when the filter is not present.
>>>>> * don't parse the web.xml at all. I know you said earlier that it is
>>>>> needed,
>>>>> but I just don't see why. In any case, I think we *must*
>>>>>  find some other solution; the current approach is really hard to
>>>>> maintain.
>>>>> Until this is fixed, I would definitely vote -1 on any tomahawk
>>>>> release.
>>>>> It's a major issue.
>>>> was there a jira issue for it ?
>>>> or can you point me to the svn rev?
>>> The best thing to do is to look at these classes:
>>>  org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter
>>>  org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.TomahawkFacesContextFactory
>>>  org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.TomahawkFacesContextWrapper
>>>  org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilterConfig [1]
>>> The svn history of these files references MYFACES-434.
>>> There is no specific jira issue about my concerns; it is really an
>>> architecture/design disagreement rather than a specific bug.
>>> [1] ExtensionsFilterConfig.getExtensionsFilterConfig is invoked from
>>> TomahawkFacesContextWrapper.
>>> Regards, Simon
>> Hi
>> I'll do a simple review (just to make clear the discussion).
>> ExtensionsFilter has the following responsibilities (all we know this but
>> sometimes is not very clear):
>> 1. Wrap a multipart request (used for t:inputFileUpload), so the request
>> could be correctly decoded.
>> 1.1 For do this, it receives some params from web.xml like this:
>>     <filter>
>>         <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
>> <filter-class>org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter</filter-class>
>>         <init-param>
>>             <param-name>uploadMaxFileSize</param-name>
>>             <param-value>100m</param-value>
>>         </init-param>
>>         <init-param>
>>             <param-name>uploadThresholdSize</param-name>
>>             <param-value>100k</param-value>
>>         </init-param>
>>     </filter>
>> 1.2 So, ExtensionsFilter must wrap the request that goes to faces pages
>> using a filter-mapping like this:
>>     <filter-mapping>
>>         <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
>>         <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>
>>     </filter-mapping>
>>     <filter-mapping>
>>         <filter-name>extensionsFilter</filter-name>
>>         <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-pattern>
>>     </filter-mapping>
>> 2. ExtensionsFilter must serve resources (javascript, css...) of some
>> tomahawk components.
>> 3. If a buffered instance of AddResource is configured, ExtensionsFilter
>> must buffer and add the resource reference
>> to the head of jsf pages (for example when it is used DefaultAddResource)
>> The changes proposed on MYFACES-434 was the following:
>> a. Use a TomahawkFacesContextWrapper to do tasks 1 and 3 of
>> ExtensionsFilter. It must be read the config params to know
>> how to wrap the request from web.xml, because this params are on the
>> filter init-param part.
>> b. Add a ServeResourcePhaseListener for do the task 2 of ExtensionsFilter
>> (In portlets we could not be ExtensionsFilter working).
>> c. Wrap the portlet request properly when it is multipart content, so
>> t:inputFileUpload could work on portlets
>> (to be done, Scott told me to wait some time).
>> Actually, ExtensionsFilter only does task 2 (ServeResourcePhaseListener
>> was added on faces-config.xml) and tasks 1 and 3
>> are done by TomahawkFacesContextWrapper.
>> Now the problem.
>>  It could be some problems when you mix 1.1 libraries with 1.2 code that
>> wraps FacesContext (I don't remember the myfaces
>> issue, but the local example of this problem is when you mix
>> orchestra(1.1) myfaces core(1.2) with tomahawk(1.1.7-SNAPSHOT)).
>>  In order to anticipate the events, It could be good to remain the old
>> feature (if ExtensionsFilter is configured and
>> is working, do not use TomahawkFacesContextWrapper). Sounds good the
>> suggestions, but in my opinion, there are not
>> blocking issues for a release.
> I have added the param
> ExtensionsFilter is used before, do not use TomahawkFacesContextWrapper. If
> someone wants to implement the other suggestions go ahead, but remember do
> not break anything or reduce the features available right now. It takes a
> lot of effort and time make things work.
>>  But I don't see a solution for get the params for initialize the
>> multipart request wrapper different than parse the web.xml file
>> I'm open to suggestions, but any solution must remain the actual
>> behavior(it works and it is easier to users, since
>> the params has been configured there for a long time).
>> regards
>> Leonardo Uribe

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