swk schrieb:
hi all,

Hoping that someone can help me with the following problem that i have:
I'm using the latest myfaces 1.1.6, tomahawk 1.1.6, tomahawk sandbox 1.1.7

Basically i have...

  <t:panelTabbedPane ...>
       <h:panelGrid ...>
           multiple <h:inputText> to display data from backing beans.
           some with attribute readonly="true" and others without
           and a <h:commandButton> to update data

    multiple <t:panelTabs> like the one above


My problem is that the <h:inputText> that have the attribute readonly="true"
specified shows the data. It's rendered fine with data from the beans. The
<h:inputText> that don't have readonly defined show's nothing.
But if i put readonly="true" on these, then it works fine.

Can anyone advise what i am doing wrong?

Another point is that if i change this to have a form in each panelTab (as
opposed to 1 form for all tabs) it also displays all the data, readonly and
non readonly.

I expect that you're getting a validation failure, but that you do not have an h:messages tag in your page, so do not see it.

Try adding an h:messages tag to your page.

And in future, please send these sorts of questions to the user list, not the dev list.

Regards, Simon

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