There is no single component today that can provide this kind of layout.

However, I believe that you can achieve this with 2 consecutive
panelFormLayout components, e.g. something like this:

<tr:panelFormLayout labelWidth="100">
  <tr:inputText .../>
<tr:panelFormLayout labelWidth="100" rows="1">
  <tr:inputText .../>
  <tr:inputText .../>


On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:38 PM, ankit mahajan
> sir,
> i  have a parent panelformlayout inside this i have a panelgrouplayout and i
> want to transfer properties of panelformlayout  to panelgrouplayout, is it
> possible?
> moreover i want rowspan and colspan type of things in panelformlayout. how
> can i to that..
> eg-
> i hv a parent panelformlayout inside this
> 1st row has a big textbox
> 2nd row contains two small txtboxes
> and both rows are properly aligned.
> how to do that.

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