Mario Ivankovits schrieb:
> Which does not mean that I am against your ideas. The opposite is the case, 
> if all your promises turn out to be true, and if this realy adds some value, 
> well, why not drop the way Orchestra currently works in favor of your way.
> Just, I need to see it in action.
I feel the same as Mario here. Your ideas are interesting, and *might*
turn out great. But as the recent thread shows, we both have a number of
significant questions about how this would work in various scenarios.

Immediately investing a large amount of time completely rewriting
Orchestra from the beginning is a brave step to take; it would be very
awkward if it turned out that the new idea didn't work out so well in

It would seem more reasonable to add the new functionality as an
extension to the existing code rather than as a rewrite. Yes, it might
not be so elegant to implement but it would be less to write (you don't
need to implement all the existing behaviour on top of your new ideas).
And *then* if it works we can talk about refactoring to clean things up.

If you do take the approach we suggest: build *on* the existing code,
then you can create an svn branch of the orchestra trunk and work there.
Then we can reasonably easily merge those changes into trunk if things
work out (orchestra core is now fairly stable). And because the new
branch is an *enhancement* only, it is no big deal to even release new
orchestra versions with your enhancements - the new code won't break
existing users because the old code is still the same. This allows
people (including Mario and I) to try out the new functionality in our
existing large & complex systems to see how it works in the real world.
That won't be possible if you start again from scratch unless you are
*very* careful to replicate the existing functionality correctly.

Of course if you really want to implement everything at once (a big
rewrite) then that's up to you. If you can come up with a super new
implementation that does everything the old implementation does and more
then great. But that's quite a big task..incremental development would
seem easier.

However you choose to work, I'm happy to answer any questions you have
about the existing code & functionality, but am not likely to contribute
code directly (at least until there is something that I can actually
test). Orchestra works adequately for me in its current form...


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