
This is regarding the usage of memory (Page Flow Scope) in Trinidad
Pagination.I have a Custom Implementation by which each time it goes to
database to fetch records but I see a problem as mentioned below

Iam checking the memory leaks in session when I use the pagination. On
each click of Next/Previous or Range Change

 iam seeing an increase of 21 bytes of memory. I think for each action a
token is put on a HashMap. This is never cleaned up until the session is
invalidated(user logs off).

Can this thing be cleaned up?

On First Click of Next:(memory uage -537 bytes)

org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.Change (java.util.HashMap) 1 items:
attributecomponentcha...@5dea5dea, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.
attributecomponentcha...@1e2e1e2e]}}' 537 

After clicking Next twice iam seeing memory usage got increased by 42
bytes (now 579 bytes)

org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.Change (java.util.HashMap) 1 items:
attributecomponentcha...@5dea5dea, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.
attributecomponentcha...@1e2e1e2e, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.
attributecomponentcha...@2b5c2b5c, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.
attributecomponentcha...@5f3a5f3a]}}' 579



Here :_id4 represents the



Ramkumar A





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