Is the documented process of creating a skin? 
I would like to create skin that is mostly white and blue, similar to the
Oracle ADF Faces skin. Trinidad needs a skin or set of skins that are
suitable for corporate web sites, which will help encourage adoption. A lot
of the productivity gains are lost in the effort required to develop or
modify skins. 


From: Adonis Raduca [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 7:16 AM
Subject: Trinidad skin and demo rewrite


Almost an year ago a discussion take place regarding the Trinidad skin and
components demo rewriting.
There is also an issue opened on wiki regarding this subject.

Now I have some time and I want to start to work on this subject ;)

Because I'm an organized guy I think is better to have a little action plan.
So I've made this action plan that looks like this:
- components overview (a little investigation on the already existing
- components reclassification (we can improve the already existing
classification of the components)
- Trinidad shining mechanism study (very useful to understand what is
possible what is not)
- components skin design (all stuff regarding the components look and feel)
- skin implementation
- demo site design (components demo application look and feel)
- demo site implementation (if is needed)

For the beginning I've started with the component overview. 
So I made a table with all components and several related information like: 
- component category
- a field that indicate if the component manifests in the visible way (is a
button, a panel ...) or is a invisible one (like the iterator)
- have interactive samples (demos)
- is documented.
- have skinning capabilities.
- have skinning keys documentation.
- a short description of the component

All these information was taken from Trinidad component demo page:

Please look in the atached *.xls file.

So, what do you think about this component overview table and about the
approach in general ?
If anyone find a wrong piece the information and/or posses information that
is not present in this table, can notify me and I will made the required

Have a nice day !

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