
Thank you for helping out. core12\target\tomahawk11_sources\org\apache\myfaces is there and contains all the tomahawk11_sources (342 files). Reason 2 is therefore excluded. I'm running maven from the command line. I've located myfaces-metadata.xml at core12\target\myfaces-builder-plugin\main\resources\META-INF, it's 307.470 Bytes.

Can you please send the output of

mvn install > log.txt 2>&1


mvn --version

so I can compare the results with mine?

Best Regards,

Leonardo Uribe schrieb:

Tomahawk core 1.2 has the following source directories:

core12/src/main/java  // specific tomahawk core 1.2 java files
core12/target/tomahawk11_sources // source files that comes from core, are not generated and are not on src/main/java
core12/target/shared_sources   // unpack shared 3.0.x
core12/target/myfaces-builder-plugin/main/java // generated files using tomahawk 1.2 templates

To create a model, myfaces-builder-plugin uses this two sources:

core12/src/main/java  // specific tomahawk core 1.2 java files
core12/target/tomahawk11_sources // source files that comes from core, are not generated and are not on src/main/java

Then, it create a file called myfaces-metadata.xml. This file is used later by other goals to generate files.

The problem could be caused by two reasons:

1. build-metadata goal does not scan the files on tomahawk11_sources.
2. myfaces-builder-plugin unpack goal does not unpack files correctly.

Please check core12/target/tomahawk11_sources, to discard one of the problems.

If you are using netbeans and runnig the maven goal from that ide, try run from console directly.


Leonardo Uribe

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