Are you sure your config is correct?

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On 30.07.2009, at 22:35, Thomas Modeneis <> wrote:

Hy Mamallan,
This can be a feature request ? can I create new issue for developers vote? you think this is useful ?

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Mamallan Uthaman < > wrote:
Hi Thomas,

I am sorry that my suggestion was not feasible for you. Also, I am not aware of any xml tag that can switch off the logging mechanism.


Thomas Modeneis wrote:
Dear Mamallan Uthaman,
 First i have to thank you for your attention.
Second i have to criticise about Trinidad documentation, many broken links and no search mechanism to find something more easily. I can found more tips on Mattias blog ! Updating trinidad is not a valid option at this moment, this project actually running in the third layer framework provided by Powerlogic and another layer customized by TRT, and you can imagine the cost of this update. So i want to hide this WARNING just using a simple xml tag, is this option available ?
 If it isn't i will use my personal workaround.
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Mamallan Uthaman < <>> wrote:

   Hi Thomas,

   I guess this problem is solved (Please refer to the Jira issue
   Trinidad-973). Try with the latest jars, hope you won't get the
   warning messages.


   Thomas Modeneis wrote:

       Hy DEVs,
        I´m with a litle problem here and please help me because i
       search all over web without sucess, so let me explain all:
        When my app startsup many warns are logged on console:
        WARNING: Could not find basic HTML renderer for
       javax.faces.Command, type=javax.faces.Button
       29/07/2009 18:51:22
        To solve this, ive made this workaround on my
TrinidadLogger./createTrinidadLogger/ (CoreRenderKit.*class*).setLevel(Level./OFF/);
        BUT i think this is a very bad way to solve this probblem.  =[
        Do you know any king of configuration that i can do on
       web.xml or trinidad-config to set this level  ?
        Trinidad version is: trinidad-api-1.2.1-20070711  and

-- Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform, SE 5.0 – 310-0 55.

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