Maybe we should also rename the "old" XhtmlConstants class ?
Would make sense, as all the (x)html stuff is about to be moved to API.

Since this class is containing misc things, like HTML (gone), events, params
and other rendering stuff (e.g. the ***** for the inputText
(secret:true)), we could
be lazy by renaming it to something like:


We could also try to clean it up even more, by making it multiple classes...
>From looking at the comments it looks like it has been copied from multiple
places to a single class; So not sure if we really wanna go to split it up even


On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Blake Sullivan
<> wrote:
> +1
> -- Blake Sullivan
> Matthias Wessendorf said the following On 10/16/2009 11:12 AM PT:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Blake Sullivan
> <> wrote:
> Matthias Wessendorf said the following On 10/15/2009 5:48 PM PT:
> Hi,
> I'd like to move the XhtmlConstants class to the API.
> The only dependency on another IMPL class is very simple.
> It is a constant, that resolves to a String ("portlet").
> If nobody disagrees, I will move on with the move.
> Yeah, just on trunk (Trinidad 1.2.x)
> Thx,
> Matthias
> Matthias,
> A bunch of the constants appear to be implementation-dependent.  Rather than
> making the entire class public, I think you should come up with a proposal
> for which constants you want to move to a public class.
> took a more detailed look and noticed that a bunch of mixed things are
> in that class.
> I think we should maybe just move the XHTML specific stuff to be an
> API part, b/c
> some of the stuff *can* be useful one other (renderer) implementations as
> well.
> Here is a list, of what I have in mind:
>   public static final String FACET_PORTLET = "portlet";
>   public static final String SCRIPT_NAME = "script";
>   public static final String H_ALIGN_END = "end";
>   public static final String V_ALIGN_MIDDLE = "middle";
>   public static final String V_ALIGN_TOP = "top";
>   public static final String DIV_ELEMENT          = "div";
>   public static final List<String> HEADER_ELEMENTS =
>     Arrays.asList(new String[]{"h1", "h2", "h3",
>                                "h4", "h5", "h6"});
>   public static final String LINK_ELEMENT         = "a";
>   public static final String PARAGRAPH_ELEMENT = "p";
>   public static final String SCRIPT_ELEMENT       = "script";
>   public static final String SPAN_ELEMENT         = "span";
>   public static final String TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT   = "td";
>   public static final String TABLE_BODY_ELEMENT   = "tbody";
>   public static final String TABLE_ELEMENT        = "table";
>   public static final String TABLE_HEADER_ELEMENT = "th";
>   public static final String TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT    = "tr";
>   public static final String FIELDSET_ELEMENT     = "fieldset";
>   public static final String LEGEND_ELEMENT       = "legend";
>   public static final char NBSP_CHAR = 0xA0;
>   public static final String NBSP_STRING = String.valueOf(NBSP_CHAR);
>   public static final String ALIGN_ATTRIBUTE      = "align";
>   public static final String COLS_ATTRIBUTE       = "cols";
>   public static final String COLSPAN_ATTRIBUTE    = "colspan";
>   public static final String HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE     = "height";
>   public static final String HREF_ATTRIBUTE       = "href";
>   public static final String ID_ATTRIBUTE         = "id";
>   public static final String NOWRAP_ATTRIBUTE     = "nowrap";
>   public static final String ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE    = "onclick";
>   public static final String ROWS_ATTRIBUTE      = "rows";
>   public static final String ROWSPAN_ATTRIBUTE    = "rowspan";
>   public static final String SIZE_ATTRIBUTE       = "size";
>   public static final String STYLE_ATTRIBUTE      = "style";
>   public static final String VALIGN_ATTRIBUTE     = "valign";
>   public static final String WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE      = "width";
>   public static final String DIR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE                 = "dir";
>   public static final String EMPTY_STRING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE        = "";
>   public static final String LEFT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE                = "left";
>   public static final String MIDDLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE              = "middle";
>   public static final String ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "100%";
>   public static final String RIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE               = "right";
> most of the other things are really more specific to internal stuff,
> e.g. event param names etc.
> For the package, I think that the new could sit in here:
> org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render
> -Matthias
> -- Blake Sullivan

Matthias Wessendorf


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