
well, of course you could as well just pass the proxy, it would work. The difference is just that in my version the proxy actually will never be called, i.e. there's definitely no performance impact. It's just as I've mentioned a workaround for the not-null-check in the constructor of those wrapper classes. :-)


Scott O'Bryan wrote:
I don't know why you couldn't just pass the proxy, and just throw IllegalOperationExceptions for unrecognized methods. But this one may be a bit cleaner. Don't know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 1, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Bernhard Huemer <bernhard.hue...@gmail.com> wrote:


regarding the 1st solution:
According to the JavaDocs the ServletRequestWrapper throws an IllegalArgumentException if you pass "null" as delegate, so this won't work (I'll come back to that later though). However, given that you're worried about NullPointerExceptions in case someone calls methods that have been introduced in the Servlet 3.0 version release, I assume that MyFaces isn't really concerned about those methods anyway. Otherwise you'd probably override those methods? If I'm mistaken, please correct me as some suggestions later on rely on this assumption.

regarding the 2nd solution:
Just ignoring the @Override annotation won't work as the respective interfaces introduce dependencies to artifacts that are only available in a Servlet 3.0 environment (for example, there's the startAsync() method that returns an AsyncContext). If a class loader were to load your request / response dummy class, he would now also have to load the class AsyncContext as it's a dependency of your class itself, which apparently the class loader cannot do in a Servlet 2.5 environment.

Given that I'd say you'll have to create two different dummy implementations, one that implements the Servlet 2.5 ServletRequest interface and one that implements the Servlet 3.0 ServletRequest (i.e. the only thing that changes is the set of methods you have to implement). However, now another problem arises as you can't just use two different versions of the same API in a single build, i.e. there's no way to tell the compiler that one class just implements the methods in the Servlet 2.5 version whereas another class has to implement the methods of the Servlet 3.0 version. Both versions have to be compilable using the same Servlet API version and as the Servlet 2.5 API is just a subset of the Servlet 3.0 API, both versions have to be compilable using the Servlet 3.0 version.

The big issue now is that we've got a contradiction now. If we want to support a Servlet 3.0 environment, we'll have to use this version in our build (again, Servlet 3.0 is if I'm not mistaken a superset of Servlet 2.5, that's the reason for that). However, the 2.5 version of the dummy class cannot compile if one uses the 3.0 version for the actual build. Maybe that sounds a little bit strange up until now, but hopefully now it will get clearer: A 2.5 compatible implementation of the ServletRequest interface must not implement the method "startAsync" as it introduces an unsatisfiable dependency, but a 3.0 compatible build environment requires any implementation to implement the method "startAsync" (amongs others) as it is a part of the interface after all.

Hence I'm afraid but this solution just won't work either. Of course, the third solution would probably work, but why bother about the performance implications if there's another solution? :-)

I think the preferable solution is actually the first one. It's easy to implement as we don't have to deal with the difference between the Servlet 2.5 API and Servlet 3.0 API, but as I've already mentioned there is the IllegalArgumentException issue that you just can't ignore either. We just want to get rid of the null value somehow, so why not use a dummy proxy instead? Note that there are no performance implications if you override the wrapped methods anyway, i.e. in fact, the proxy won't be called even once. It's sole purpose is to replace the "null", that's it. It could look like the following:


public class DummyServletRequest extends ServletRequestWrapper {

 public DummyServletRequest() {
     new Class[] { ServletRequest.class },
     new InvocationHandler() {
       public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method m, Object[] args) {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException(...);

 // --------- "Implement" the interface ServletRequest now!

 public Object getAttribute(String name) {
   // ...

 // ...



Hope that helps. :-)

Bernhard Huemer

On 12/01/2009 09:48PM GMT, Michael Concini wrote:
I need some help with the best way to handle updating the dummy request/response objects that we use for system event listeners kicked off when there isn't a request context. Currently, we're implementing ServletRequest and ServletResponse directly. This is broken when using a servlet 3.0 runtime though since we're not implementing the new methods added by the servlet 3.0 spec. I tried already updating the classes to extend the request/response wrapper classes, but that turned out to be problematic since the constructor requires a request/response object to be passed. Since we don't have access to that as we're outside of a request I hit an NPE try to use FacesContext that wasn't there. I've come up with a couple of potential solutions on this and would like some input as to the best way to go. 1) We could also extend the wrapper classes, but add a no-arg constructor to the dummy classes that would just call super(null). This would be fine in most cases, but if an application tried to call any of the new ServletContext methods from Servlet 3.0 we'd get an NPE instead of a runtime exception (not ideal) 2) We can simply add the new methods from the Servlet 3.0 API to our dummy classes. I think as long as we don't include the @Override annotation it should build and run in either a 2.5 or 3.0 environment. 3) We could implement a dynamic proxy to handle the calls. Would be a little more complex to implement, but might be the most elegant solution. Not fully sure if there are performance implications here though. Personally, I'd lean towards (2), I'd like to here from Werner as well since he was the one that initially implemented this. Any additional feedback from others in the community is of course welcome.

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