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On 19.12.2009, at 03:30, "Scott O'Bryan" <> wrote:

> As for the VDL, simply put the current JSP VDL casts to some servlet objects > (at least in the R.I.) to do some things. ;) <yoda>ClassCastExceptions do
> not an effective bridge make..</yoda>

Not to surprised if myfaces does that too. Filing bugs is welcome.
Note that Apache MyFaces 2.0 is already alpha and we are not too
far away from a real release...
LOL. Yeah I know. I may have something very soon. If not then the bridge should be able to replace this code and use a later version.. ;)

> The current bridge overrides the ViewHandler.renderView to overcome this > problem, but I thought it might be nice to synchronize some code up. As it > is right now, I'm merging the code from the ViewHandler.renderView in the > Portlet 2.0 bridge with the current R.I. There are some strange issues > which I'm overcoming, but evenutally it might be nice to allow MyFaces
> development to continue to drive these view handlers.

sharing is good. So you are basically suggesting to reuse the
ViewDeclarationLanguage from
MyFaces (including ViewDeclarationLanguageBase and
ViewDeclarationLanguageStrategy) and make them part of the shared
project ?
Yeah... Essentially I would take those objects in myfaces and allow them to have plugable Request/Response implementations. Then for the portal bridge, I would use the ViewDeclarationLanguageStrategies with the Portlet implementation pieces plugged in and MyFaces would have the servlet pieces plugged in.

+1 on that


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