Hello everyone, I have been feature complete since last week for the alpha release. So I want to start the vote for the Ext-Scripting Alpha 1.

Feature summary:

The planned Spring part will not make it into the official 1.0 release
since works on dependency injection frameworks which can provide beans over the EL will become integral part post 1.0 (my plan is to also go the CDI route if the frameworks permit it),the spring reloading it will be merged over time, but will not be part of the official 1.0.

So for now 1.0 will only support JSF and JSF only, but that extensively.

Since I am feature complete and relatively bugfree all the work from now on will go into bugfixing and code cleanup (believe me some parts really need that)

Here is a short compressed summary of what will go into the alpha 1.0 and later final version:

Dynamic loading of all JSF 1.2 artifacts, including Application and Session scoped beans (lots of work went into this area to enable that)

Dynamic loading of most JSF 2.0 artifacts (application events currently are not supported)

Dynamic JSF2 annotation support (aka push annoations into existing classes move them around as you wish)

Dynamic resource loading within JSF2 (aka load resources from your source path)

Dynamic XHTML loading for Facelets (load your xhtml templates directly from your sourcepath)

And all of this for Groovy and Java

The documentation will be hosted on the Wiki for the time being and is a work in progress, but enough material already is there to justify an alpha release as well:


As I said, feature freeze for now, and all which will go into the alphas and betas will be code cleanup and bugfixes to get a 1.0 release out sometime around March.


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