Hi Mark,

The warning applies if a component isn't created and plugged into the
component tree by the VDL but by some other component or listener or
whatever and it does not get a clientId.

What do you mean by your hand written fields?


2010/3/4 Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de>

> Hi!
> I always get the following warning which is caused by dynamically generated
> fields (from a component):
> 01.03.2010 14:20:46 javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase getClientId
> WARNUNG: WARNING: Component j_id68 just got an automatic id, because there
> was no id assigned yet. If this component was created dynamically (i.e. not
> by a JSP tag) you should assign it an explicit static id or assign it the id
> you get from the createUniqueId from the current UIViewRoot component right
> after creation! Path to Component: {Component-Path : [Class:
> javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /reservationRequest.xhtml][Class:
> javax.faces.component.UIPanel,Id: head][Class:
> org.primefaces.component.resource.Resource,Id: j_id68]}
> The funny thing is that it doesn't warn me if I miss an id in one of my
> hand written fields ;)
> Is this really the way it should work?
> LieGrue,
> strub
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