Btw. thanks guys for the effort, I think the tests also were a
good indicator about the state of our javascripts.
Which looked quite good btw.

The main issues I have seen so far were on the spec level.

We really need a queue control mechanism on the spec level and
a timeout as well, hanging xhr cores should be terminated within
an adjustable timeframe,
and a load of inputs should not fill up the queue.
Most of this is resolvable one way or the other outside, but it
needs to be addressed on spec level.


Am 19.04.10 23:58, schrieb Andrew Robinson:
The branch is ready and the issues that were brought up in this thread
as well as other issues have been resolved. Unless there are any
objections, I will merge the changes into the trunk tomorrow.

Note that Max added a switch to be able to turn off PPR through JSF at
the agent level so that mobile browsers that fail with the mojarra
JavaScript can go back to the legacy code.


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Max Starets<>  wrote:
Just a few minor additions -
- PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest() will be returning true for the requests
sent with jsf ajax
as well as the legacy "partialSubmit=true" requests.
- Trinidad's partial triggers will be honored for the jsf ajax requests.
However, this will currently work only with execute="@all". Once we start
adding trigger listeners
during the PostRestoreView event processing, instead of decode, this
limitation will go away.


Andrew Robinson wrote:

Well after a bit of work, the JSF2 AJAX branch is ready for testing to
see if we want to merge it into the trunk.


- jsf.ajax.request used to submit PPR requests from the request queue
- server serves JSF2 payload, differing if an IFRAME submission is
detected for Trinidad to send down script libraries
- iframe processing through legacy code, but updated to use a valid JSF2
- iframe still sends Tr-XHR-Message to let the server know its a legacy
- legacy request supports DOM replacement but none of the new
functionality of JSF2 (attribute updates for example)
- TrPage integrated with JSF2 events to correctly broadcast DOM change
notifications and restore focus
- If users find errors in the jsf.js libraries, setting the
_useJsfBuiltInAjaxForXhr property of the request queue to false will
bypass usage of jsf.ajax. We can add support for a public way of doing
this later if necessary.
- Server side integration with the JSF2 APIs and client behaviors,
JSF2 submission working along side of partialSubmit=true and auto PPR.

Thank you,

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