Ok I did a testing on the RI the links do not work as well, but wont even go into the xhr part (I will add a fix here to be coherent to the RI in our scripts)

what happens is that the links trigger an error
jsf.ajax.request: source not set
 throw new Error("jsf.ajax.request: source not set");
Due to a missing source element on trinidads side

(I am more lenient regarding the source, because I also handle detached objects which some frameworks like dojo or jquery can produce, but I obviously missed the case of source being null or undefined, having to throw an explicit error, which is not directly in the spec afair, but nevertheless I will change that tomorrow if the spec does not state otherwise)

the original request as posted below

javax.faces.source null

in our case it just performs an empty roundtrip in case of the ri it bombs out due to constraints on the javascripts side.


Am 20.04.10 17:37, schrieb Werner Punz:
Am 20.04.10 17:00, schrieb Andrew Robinson:
Also, are you using JSF RI? MyFaces is known to be bad with Ajax.

Ouch that hit me personally, because I and others spent a load of hours
to make
the our javascripts as good as possible as the spec allowed (with the
help of some others).

Actually if you have run into any errors or problems regarding the Ajax
part (which caused your conclusion), please post them to the jira under
our impl section, so that we can fix it :-), just saying bad with ajax
is no help here :-), we would like to have the best ajax implementation
of both implementations (better than the RI, so any bugreport is
welcome). But no offence taken, back to the topic.

But back to the original problem, the first link (Go to Trinidad demos
home page.) issue following xhr post:

Tr-PPR-Message true
_noJavaScript false
event autosub
itxt Change this text
javax.faces.ViewState !h19u5lcmm
javax.faces.ViewState !h19u5lcmm
javax.faces.partial.ajax true
javax.faces.partial.event click
javax.faces.partial.execu... null
javax.faces.source null
org.apache.myfaces.trinid... j_id1078059021_4041e08f
partial true
selOne 0
source j_id1078059021_4041e6c3

and the response is following:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
id="tr_j_id1078059021_4041e08f_Postscript"><input type="hidden"

Not sure what the eval

in this case triggers, it should trigger a go to the homepage.


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