Yes, sure. However it is important to have these refactorings on core first.
Then we can adopt them to Tomahawk 2.0! I am sure we will find a way ;)


2010/5/11 Werner Punz <>

> Hi Jakob, the namespacing, dom and inheritance features might be useful
> also for Tomahawk 2.0.
> I am however not sure how we can manage it buildwise to get it in.
> We might drop some of our files buildwise from the api also into tomahawk.
> A double include is not really that bad because due to the namespacing it
> cannot happen.
> Werner
> Am 11.05.10 13:21, schrieb Jakob Korherr:
>> Sounds great, Werner!
>> Regards,
>> Jakob
>> 2010/5/10 Werner Punz < <mailto:
>>    Yes definitely, the exception handling can be done better, but one
>>    step after the other...
>>    I already cleaned up some exception handling stuff in the utils
>>    classes, there are no more direct references to our impl exception
>>    delegation code.
>>    There are several things which can be improved, but cleaning up the
>>    namespacing, and utils classes was the part with the highest
>>    priority for me (And also to get some inheritance in, because we
>>    will need it probably for 2.1 already, when we have to cover iframe
>>    transports as well hopefully)
>>    I am almost done with the initial refactoring, I will commit the
>>    code probably around wednesday.
>>    Werner
>>    Am 10.05.10 18:38, schrieb Ganesh:
>>        This is cool! Isn't the exception handling another place to
>>        clean up?
>>        Best regards,
>>        Ganesh
>>        Werner Punz schrieb:
>>            Hello everyone, I have started somewhat of a cleanup
>>            regarding the
>>            jsf.js codebase which will be done in the following weeks.
>>            First of all after fixing the bugs (which I will commit
>>            today), I came
>>            to the conclusion that our utils classes are somewhat in
>>            need of a
>>            fixup and generally some structures can be solved better.
>>            What I want to do is following:
>>            a) Split the utils classes into:
>>            _Lang (former _LangUtils)
>>            _Dom (former mostly utils)
>>            _Communications (former AjaxUtils)
>>            move some of the methods around and add a bunch of new ones
>>            regarding
>>            dom traversal (mostly iterators utilizing filter closures,
>>            which can
>>            be browser optimized, due to most browsers already have dom
>>            level 2
>>            filtering iterators in place).
>>            Also we will add a new class _Core or _Runtime wich will
>>            initialize
>>            the basic runtime stuff, like namespacing, browser detection,
>>            configuration binding (which our system is more or less
>>            coupled with
>>            loosely)
>>            etc...
>>            Note, most of this stuff already is in the codebase, but
>>            grown into
>>            the wrong place of the _LangUtils, or _Utils classes.
>>            There also will be changes to the namespacing itself
>>            currently we have the usualy if cascades to check for
>> namespaces
>>            I want to move that into something like
>>            _Core.reserveNamespace, so
>>            that the code will look like:
>>            if(_Core.reserverNamespace("")) {
>>   = function() {}; }
>>            This is very close to what dojo.provide("") does.
>>            Also what I want to do to ease future development is to add
>>            prototype
>>            based inheritance which follows very closely the dojo pattern.
>>            which means:
>>            _Lang.extends("", parentClass, {
>>            /*note we have to rename the constructor name a little bit
>>            due to
>>            javascript limitations in prototype inheritance*/
>>            constructor_:function (arg1) {
>>            //we have to do it that way due to javascript limitations
>>            this._callSuper('constructor', arg1);
>>            ....
>>            },
>>            myNewFunc: function(arg1, arg2) {
>>            //basically the same as this._callSuper("myNewFunc", arg2)
>>            this._inherited(arg2);
>>            .... }
>>            });
>>            Now for now I also would leave following option open if you
>>            want to do
>>            it in a more ide friendly way:
>>            if(_Core.reserverNamespace("")) {
>>   = _Lang.extends(function (arg1) {
>>            this._callSuper('constructor', arg1);
>>            }, parent);
>>   = function(arg1,arg2) {
>>            this._callSuper('myNewFunc', arg2);
>>            ... }
>>            }
>>            The second option is easier to grasp for IDEs, but the
>>            this._inherited() call will not be possible. But I want to
>>            support
>>            both options because the first option is much more dense and
>>            does not
>>            need a separate namespace checking, while the second one is
>> more
>>            friendly to ides.
>>            As for now inheritance is not used, we use delegation over
>> loose
>>            coupling but for future extensions it would make sense to
>>            have it in.
>>            Especially since a load of stuff from the transport layer
>>            can be reused.
>>            Anyway:
>>            I do not want to go for a full blown framework here, to keep
>> the
>>            codebase as tight as possible. I just want to add
>>            the needed stuff to make future extensions easier.
>>            (Which will probably different transports like iframes, and
>>            websockets, queue control and timeout (which we already have
>>            in our
>>            codebase))
>>            Problem is by using an existing js library (and that was the
>>            major
>>            reason why I did not do it firsthand) we will add around
>>            20-100kbyte
>>            of extra code which is mostly pointless. Although I am a
>>            huge fan of
>>            dojo (less of jquery due to its structure), if we integrated
>>            dojo
>>            under our own namespace, we would need the core (50kbyte + xhr
>> +
>>            probably 1-2 other modules) which would add 50-70 kbyte in
>>            compressed
>>            form, 80% of stuff which we will never touch)
>>            I however opted for a loose binding of the layers so that
>>            people can
>>            rip out our implementations of the layers and use whatever
>>            they like
>>            in a configuration manner. (it is possible to replace the
>>            entire xhr
>>            transport by your own implementation without overwriting the
>>            entire
>>            xhrCore classes for instance so that dojo or other transports
>>            theoretically could be plugged in)
>>            Werner
>> --
>> Jakob Korherr
>> blog:
>> twitter:
>> work:

Jakob Korherr


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