
The change looks good, as long as old templates keep working. I remember
some issues related to velocity and maven site plugin, so we need first to
check if the change allows build myfaces core site (maven site plugin
requires velocity 1.4, but myfaces builder plugin requires velocity 1.5).


Leonardo Uribe

2010/8/9 Ali Ok <al...@aliok.com.tr>

> Hi,
> Currently, we don't use Velocity macros in the templates for generating
> sources. At least we can use the macros defined in vm files, although there
> is an option for writing Java code for macros (which is less preferred).
> I've created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-2866 for this
> issue.
> So, for example, instead of
>     <tag>
> ......
> #set ($propertyList = ${component.propertyList})
> #foreach( $property in $propertyList )
> #if (!$property.isTagExcluded())*      <attribute>
> #if ($property.longDescription)
>          <description><![CDATA[$property.longDescription]]></description>
>     ................
>     ................
>       </attribute>
> #end*
> #end
>    </tag>
> we could've used
>    <tag>
> ....
> #set ($propertyList = ${component.propertyList})
> #foreach( $property in $propertyList )
> #if (!$property.isTagExcluded())
>     *#writeProperty($property)*
> #end
>    </tag>
> where writeProperty macro can be defined in vm file, as explained in
> http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/user-guide.html#Velocimacros
> Furthermore, to reuse the macros in different vm files, there is "parse"
> [1] directive. But myfaces-builder-plugin must migrate to Velocity 1.6 (see
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-2867) to parse the macros in
> different vm files.
> I checked out the myfaces-build-plugin, applied the mentioned changes
> locally, used in generating sources of my GSoC project and worked
> flawlessly (not committed yet).
> Any concerns at first sight?
> [1] http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/user-guide.html#Parse
> <http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/user-guide.html#Parse>Thanks,
> Ali
> --
> My Blog: http://blog.aliok.com.tr
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/aliok_tr

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