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Please clarify what you are trying to do. Are you asking how to get hold of the treeTable component
in a valueChangeListener and how to change the nodeStamp?


Igor Espin wrote:
I have a  trouble and I dont know how to solve it, Im working with jsf 1.2 and apache my faces trinidad.
I'm working with a trinidad treetable, this treetable has a selectonechoice that allows to the user to choose an
option for an specific element of the treetable. Everything is ok until I have to use another selectonechoice located
outside the treetable component that helps the user to locate a second level element inside the same treetable.
Can I use a binding to the treetable and set the pathstamp by programation?
or how can I set the pathstamp when the user choose an option of the outiside selectonechoice.
I have attached an image to help the explanation.
PD My managed bean scope is request.
Please help...
Thanks in advance

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