Martin, could you please give juel a quick try? Would be interested if if also 
suffers from this problem.

You can find a slightly tweaked (bugfixed) version of it on my github page

The original is on


>From: Jakob Korherr <>
>To: MyFaces Development <>
>Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 5:10:09 PM
>Subject: Re: EL method invocation performance
>Does this really have to happen at every method invocation or is this an 
>implementation problem?
>If it is an implementation problem and can be circumvent in any way, I would 
>contact the Glassfish and Tomcat developers about this ;)
>2010/8/25 Ivan <>
>How about trying the el api published by Geronimo ? it caches the 
>ExpressionFactory to avoid the search action by default.
>>2010/8/25 Martin Koci <>
>>>this problem is not in myfaces but affects performance especially in
>>>render response phase:
>>>EL 2.2 introduces method invocation but if you try use it like
>>>rendered="#{bean.getRendered(param)}" there is an unpleasant surprise:
>>>both implementations of BeanELResolver (Glassfish, Tomcat) use this
>>>construction during method invocation:
>>>ExpressionFactory exprFactory = ExpressionFactory.newInstance();
>>>That newInstance() always involves FactoryFinder mechanism, callstack
>>>then looks like :
>>> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findResource
>>> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.getResourceAsStream
>>>  javax.el.FactoryFinder.find(String, String, Properties)
>>>   javax.el.ExpressionFactory.newInstance(Properties)
>>>    javax.el.ExpressionFactory.newInstance()
>>>     javax.el.BeanELResolver.invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object[])
>>>Always tries to locale factory implementation, that
>>>means /META-INF/services reading! This is not problem in myfaces, but
>>>users don't distinguish between JSF and EL well.
>>>Any ideas?
>>>Martin Kočí
>Jakob Korherr

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