Agreed. I usually don't like numbers in method names, but in this case it's 
more correct.


On 30 sep. 2010, at 23:04, Martin Koci <> wrote:

> Hi, 
> there is a disorder in Expression Lauguage names in myfaces core.
> Currently myfaces (method
> javax.faces.validator._ExternalSpecifications.isUnifiedELAvailable() for
> example) output a log:
> "MyFaces Unified EL support enabled"
> But this is a little misleading: there should be "Unified EL 2.2 support
> enabled" because it tests presence of EL 2.2. "Unified EL support
> enabled" does not make sence at all because JSF use Unified EL as core
> technology and that cannot be disabled.
> There are three major versions of ELs:
> 1) javax.faces.el - old and depreceated
> 2) javax.el 2.0, 2.1 (from JSP 2.0, 2.1) 
> 3) javax.el 2.2 from JSP 2.2, part of Java EE 6, EL with method
> invocations
> Suggestions:
> Rename isUnifiedELAvailable to isUnifiedEL22Available,
> TagValueExpressionUEL to TagValueExpressionUEL22 and so on.
> For EL 2.3 (not released yet) we can add similar methods/classes.
> Change log to "MyFaces Unified EL 2.2 support enabled (method
> invocations are available)". 
> I'll add similiar log "MyFaces Faces EL (javax.faces.el) support
> disabled"  as part of "disabling "old" technologies"
> WDYT ?
> Kočičák

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