Yes, the goal is to allow any version and any implementation of JSF. That's why you will see "Initialized 3 JSF configurations: [Mojarra-1.2, MyFaces-2.0,

Just to be clear, it's AS6 SNAPSHOT, not AS5. The AS6 CR1 release will be out in a few weeks but you can get a nightly build if you want to try it now:

I'd love to get feedback. See the short "JSF on JBoss" doc to see how to do things like assign a JSF impl to a particular WAR. Also, I don't think it's in the doc, but changing the default impl from Mojarra to MyFaces is just a matter of changing one value in an XML file.

The doc is here:

Right now it has MyFaces 2.0.1, but I'm soon planning to do the full integration of 2.0.2 as per Leonardo's changes. That will make MyFaces a little more efficient on JBoss AS.


Quoting Matthias Wessendorf <>:

Matthias Wessendorf (@mwessendorf) has shared a Tweet with you:

"lincolnthree: MyFaces 2 is now included in JBoss AS 5 SNAPSHOT!!
-"Initialized 3 JSF configurations: [Mojarra-1.2, MyFaces-2.0,

sent from my Android phone

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