You guys might want to check out the utility that Trinidad uses for registering ThreadLocals for clean up at the end of the request in org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.ThreadLocalUtils.

-- Blake Sullivan

On 10/15/10 5:52 AM, Jakob Korherr wrote:
Thanks, Stan!

We had a similar issue also in OpenWebBeans. The solution there was to
clear() all ThreadLocals after usage, however not only in the
ServletContextListener, but also in the RequestListener, because
ThreadLocal.clear() only works for the current Thread. Thus we have to
take a look at all our ThreadLocal instances in the code and check if
they can be set at request time. If so, we may have to clear them at
the end of every request.



Quoting Werner Punz<>:

Stan can you give us some info what the issue in Mojarra was?
It might help us to track our problem down.
My personal guess we that it might the our class instantiation code in
shared, but I am guessing here as well.


Am 15.10.10 14:04, schrieb
I'm pretty sure 2.0.1 has a memory leak on undeploy.  Mojarra had an
undeploy leak and it took a long time to track it down. The same test I
was using on Mojarra also failed on MyFaces but I haven't had time to
track down the leak in MyFaces.

Maybe this is fixed in 2.0.2? If not maybe someone can go ahead and take
a look? The mem leak keeps MyFaces from passing TCK on JBoss AS. To
test, all you need to do is create a small exploaded JSF app. Then have
a script that touches web.xml every 10 seconds. That will cause the app
to redeploy. You will get a PermGen error in about an hour.


Quoting Matthias Wessendorf<>:

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Werner Punz<>
Am 15.10.10 09:26, schrieb Matthias Wessendorf:

Right now it has MyFaces 2.0.1, but I'm soon planning to do the full
integration of 2.0.2 as per Leonardo's changes.  That will make
MyFaces a
little more efficient on JBoss AS.
+1 you really want 2.0.2 ;)

Hehe I guess Myfaces 2.0.2 performance also will be better due to the
performance work which went in between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.
that's why ;)


Matthias Wessendorf


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