I have been trying to use the Trinidad command button to call a method in 
a bean but it doesn't seem to recognise that the method is there.

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 
        <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control" />
        <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma" />
        <body style="height: 100%">
                <tr:commandButton action="#{trackingBean.update}" />

public String update()
        // do something;
        return "";

If I type '<tr:commandButton action="#{trackingBean.' and press Ctrl+Space 
the list of available methods does not show the update() method.

What else do I need to do to allow this method to be selected? I believe 
that the method signature is correct and there is no need to make any 
modifications to faces-config.xml.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Adam Rice

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