
IMHO shared code ist just as private as myfaces-impl code. Not more, not less.

Adding the all-in-one-jar is not a change, but an improvement. It is
just an additional (non-OSGi-ready) distribution form of MyFaces code
and thus does not affect the problems we're having with myfaces-shared
and OSGi.


2010/11/8 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> 2010/11/8 Jakob Korherr <jakob.korh...@gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>> Last week I created a branch (see [1]) to test the shade module
>> integration of shared and also implee6 for MyFaces core.
>> Coincidentally, Leonardo committed a similar solution to MyFaces core
>> trunk, however only for the implee6 integration.
>> The branch at [1] uses the shade plugin to include shared and implee6.
>> For shared it uses a dependency to myfaces-shared-core (NOT
>> shared-impl), which will then be shaded to org.apache.myfaces.*
>> (without the shared-package) - however this is only a prototype. To
>> make this work I had to rename all imports in myfaces-impl from
>> "shared_impl" to "shared". Everything works pretty well expect for the
>> OSGi-issues mentioned by Leonardo.
>> Using this branch you are able to work on MyFaces shared classes in
>> the context of MyFaces core and not having to do a whole maven build
>> when testing it, because your IDE uses shared directly as a
>> dependency. Thus it really is an improvement to what we have now and
>> we should try to fix the OSGi issues in some way to really make this
>> work. I already did some work in this direction and I think that a
>> ResourceTransformer implementation for shade that creates the Manifest
>> file for OSGi is the way to go, but we certainly have to discuss this
>> (maybe also with the bundle-plugin team). WDYT Leo?
> Well, before try to do something like that (a ResourceTransformer
> implementation)
> it is good to ask if it is really necessary to do that. On a previous mail I
> said that
> "shared" code should be private, so there should not be used for users
> outside
> myfaces impl. There are exceptions (DelegateServlet), so we have to identify
> first
> which code could not be relocated. The effect on maven bundle plugin is
> shared packages are excluded from Export-Package header, but as long as
> users
> don't have code importing shared_impl package it is ok to ignore this side
> effect.
>> However, please take a look at the branch at [1] and try to use it in
>> your IDE - I think it's really great! (... and furthermore I think
>> it's much easier to understand for every myfaces-developer).
>> I also totally agree with Gerhard that we should provide this
>> all-in-one jar, even if it may cause problems in OSGi, because our
>> OSGi users will most certainly know that. It's really easy to do this
>> using the shade plugin and it provides a very convenient way for
>> developers to use MyFaces (especially when they're not using maven).
>> As Gerhard mentioned, Mojarra will do the same and furthermore other
>> projects like e.g. Weld also provide this all-in-one solution (-->
>> weld-servlet).
> I disagree. Our first priority should be myfaces usage in different
> environments,
> and then enhance IDE support. Only if the two previous objections can be
> solved,
> the change can be made.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
>> Regards,
>> Jakob
>> [1]
>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/core/branches/2_0_3_snapshot_shade_test/
>> 2010/11/8 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > 2010/11/8 Gerhard <gerhard.petra...@gmail.com>
>> >>
>> >> hi,
>> >> @ide-support:
>> >> since you get an additional all-in-one sources jar file, it should
>> >> work.
>> >> i've created external codi examples which use the all-in-one jar of
>> >> codi
>> >> and the ide support works perfectly.
>> >
>> > Yes, that's true (I checked that code) but in shared you need to change
>> > the
>> > package name to org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.
>> >
>> > Really that package renaming is questionable. Why? It exists since 1.1.x
>> > but
>> > I don't know why this is necessary. In theory, the code inside shared
>> > should
>> > be "private", but the truth is we have one class that could be consumed
>> > by
>> > users:
>> > org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.webapp.webxml.DelegatedFacesServlet.
>> > That is the main reason why I moved the code proposed on
>> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-2944 to myfaces-impl
>> > package.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> @osgi:
>> >> if there are restrictions, we should improve the shade plugin.
>> >> (for now: osgi users just can't use this optional all-in-one jar file -
>> >> if
>> >> we document it, it shouldn't be a problem.)
>> >
>> > There is a discussion of this issue here:
>> >
>> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-1184
>> >
>> > It was reported here too:
>> >
>> > http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSHADE-51
>> >
>> > The issue in maven is here:
>> >
>> > http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2258
>> >
>> > Unfortunately, the only hack I can see to make this work correctly is
>> > create
>> > a plugin with a maven lifecycle extension, and do that is very nasty,
>> > because we need to create a plugin just to do that.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> @use-case:
>> >> we should really get rid of the shared module.
>> >
>> > I agree. First we need a more explicit plan to do it. Suggestions are
>> > welcome.
>> >
>> > regards,
>> >
>> > Leonardo Uribe
>> >
>> >>
>> >> regards,
>> >> gerhard
>> >> http://www.irian.at
>> >>
>> >> Your JSF powerhouse -
>> >> JSF Consulting, Development and
>> >> Courses in English and German
>> >>
>> >> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2010/11/8 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi
>> >>>
>> >>> Unfortunately, maven-shade-plugin has some unwanted side effects.
>> >>>
>> >>> - The source jar file is not updated too, so if we "shade" shared, the
>> >>> sources are not updated. In theory, the source jar is used by IDEs
>> >>> like
>> >>> Eclipse or Netbeans to show the source file of a .class.
>> >>> - It does not play well with osgi bundle plugin (the one that create
>> >>> manifest.mf). The problem is the manifest is generated before "shade",
>> >>> and
>> >>> we need the later. Really that one is a problem related to maven
>> >>> itself.
>> >>>
>> >>> The only valid use case I found where maven-shade-plugin fits well is
>> >>> with implee6 module, but anyway it was required to do some hacks to
>> >>> make
>> >>> bundle plugin works well.
>> >>>
>> >>> regards,
>> >>>
>> >>> Leonardo Uribe
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Jakob Korherr
>> blog: http://www.jakobk.com
>> twitter: http://twitter.com/jakobkorherr
>> work: http://www.irian.at

Jakob Korherr

blog: http://www.jakobk.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/jakobkorherr
work: http://www.irian.at

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