
This is the result of the api checks for backwards compatibility. The trinidad-api/src/test/clirr/clirr-runner.txt file acts as a golden file for allowed api changes. If your test fails, the target directory will contain the clirr-runner.txt file of all of the api changes found. You can then diff the two files and add any api changes that should be allowed to the golden file.

Unfortunately, based on the signatures present in the clirr-runner.txt, it looks like clirr is detecting any change, including changes that would not affect backwards compatibility, making the feature kind of a pain.

-- Blake Sullivan

On 11/8/10 3:58 PM, Jeanne Waldman wrote:
I got this error while building for my Skin Versioning patch.

I built the other day and it was fine.

Did someone add a new test? I did add some new APIs.
What do I have to do to get this to pass? Looking at the ClirrRunnerTest
file didn't give me any information.


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