Hello guys,

I have a problem with the valueChangeListener on my composite component. I =

have following structure:

<composite:interface name=3D"checkbox">


<composite:attribute name=3D"valueChangeListener" targets=3D"inputComponent=

" />






<f:facet name=3D"inputFacet">

<h:inputText id=3D"inputComponent" />






My error message is:

"FaceletViewDe E Inner component valueChangeListener not found when retarge=


When I tried to give the

<composite:attribute name=3D"valueChangeListener" targets=3D"inputComponent=

" /> on my c1-Interface the Error-Message didn't appear, but the ValueChang=

eListener still wasn't called.

Second thing I tried was to give the

<h:inputText id=3D"inputComponent" /> not in the facet-Definition, but only=

in my implementation and then the ValueChangeListener worked.

What is my mistake, or does composition not work properly with facets?


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