The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Test 1.0.2.

The Myfaces Test Framework provides mock object libraries, plus base
classes for creating your own JUnit TestCases for JSF.

For more information please see:

MyFaces Core is available in the central Maven repository under Group
ID "org.apache.myfaces.test".

Binary and source assemblies can be found on:

Release Notes - MyFaces Test - Version 1.0.2


    * [MYFACESTEST-43] - MockExternalContext20 does not implement all
its methods.
    * [MYFACESTEST-44] - MockApplication20 should implement
createComponent methods and scan for @ListenerFor and
@ResourceDependency annotations


    * [MYFACESTEST-41] - Allow the definition of resourcebundle by
name as in faces-config.xml file
    * [MYFACESTEST-46] - Create assembly packages and download page on site


Leonardo Uribe

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